SOP template and preparation (SOP ID: 0001)

Revision nr.:
Release date:
August 26, 2019

Last release date:

October 29, 2019
Federica Trevisanut (Explora Biotech)


Davide De Lucrezia (Explora Biotech)

1. Scope

e.g. Standard protocol for the Purification of a PCR using Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-up kit.

2. Background

3. Prerequisites

  • Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-up kit (208/CH)
  • Centrifuge
  • Ethanol 95%

4. Changes since last revision

This section should indicate the parts modified in this revision with respect to the previous one. These are highlighted by underlining.

5. Role and responsibilities

Author (Au): Staff scientist properly trained to draft, review and disseminate standard operating procedures within the framework of ISO-9001

Approver (Ap): PI with the authority to approve, reject and withdraw standard operating procedures

MIAMI Quality Manager (QM): MIAMI authorized Quality Manager

Operator (Op): Staff scientist properly trained to execute the standard operating procedure

6. Monitoring Requirements

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